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KickStartTrustee Platform


KST Platform is a Data Trustee platform which regulates the data flow between farmers and agricultural service providers to ensure the data sovereignty right for farmers. Furthermore, KST Platfom offers its users (farmers) a service (the Disease Warning Service) that enables farmers to report an infection/ disease on one of their fields and anonymously broadcasts a warning to other farmers who are subscribed to the service and have fields in the area that might be in danger.


KST Platform serves as a datahub which provides the following benefits for the farmers:

The Disease Warning Service offred by KST Platform provides the following benefits for the farmers:


  1. Data owner (Human): The data subject (in this case, the farmer).
  2. Operator (Human): The Admin of KST platform.
  3. Agricultural service provider (System): A provider of a digital service (e.g., a data preparation app, a recommendation service) and/ or a physical service (harvesting service, seeding service, weed control service). The agricultural service provider can act as a:
    1. Data Provider: Only provides data to the KST Platform account(s) of one or several data owners.
    2. Data Consumer: Only consumes data from the KST Platform account(s) of one or several data owners.
    3. Data Prosumer: Provides data to- and consumes data from- the KST Platform account(s) of one or several data owners.

KST Platform Characteristics

Control Flow and Data Flow: KST Platform supports the following flows:

Data Storage:

Data Sovereignty:

For Data Owners (Data Subjects):

For Data Providers/Consumers/Prosumers:

Data Processing:


KST Platform logs the following events:

The data owner can view the details of those events along with all the other infromation stored on KST Platform via its UIs (Owner UI):